As we reflect and wrap up 2021…
With the year coming to a close, I have been reflecting on a very real mix of highs and lows. As a collective community, we wanted so badly for things to go back to normal and when it did not; our ability to adapt was really tested. What I have appreciated the most about our team, community, clients, vendors, and partners this year is the way everyone embraced patience and reliance on one another. We aren’t in this alone; we each impact one another and how we collectively solve problems, matters. No matter the circumstances, I have been so proud of our business community this year. Not everything went according to plan, timelines shifted, expectations adjusted. However, every single one of our clients adapted with ease and understanding, and held excitement for all of the good to come. So much GOOD happened this year. Projects we are so incredibly proud of. A new brand we are proud of. A growing team we are even more proud of. Unfinished spaces will find completion in 2022, and we look forward to celebrating each and every one of them! I am left with major gratitude and learning from 2021. As the world adapts to new normals and tests our patience with our to-do lists, my wish for each of you this Christmas is that your holiday is surrounded by what matters most to you, and that you hold onto that a little tighter as we close out this crazy year. Thank you for being on this journey with us, we can’t wait for what’s to come.

December 20, 2021