Dear Friends,
We are about to turn FIVE in a couple of months, which made me take a giant step back and think about how much has been accomplished in the past four years and where we want to go in the future. It’s not lost on me that regardless of the scale or type of project we are working on, we are always standing in front of something BIG. Something exciting, yet so big, you reached out for help. And you asked us. For that, I am exponentially grateful. It’s because of you, that we get to help navigate complex problems, be inventors of style, and pour into innovation. With some of you, we have given new life to something old. Some of these are mindblowing-ly cool transformations. Built dream homes. Gave your home a vibe. Invented restaurants. Created dream vacation homes. I mean, come on… We’ve had a great start!!! So as we go into year 5, it was time to re-brand so we are better set up to grow our team, build the resources needed to better service our clients, and bring you greater insight on the world of design, innovation and creativity.
So, without further adieu; I would like you introduce to you, our new brand: Smyth House.

We are convinced that when confidence and trust come together with incredible design, people are inspired to push their own boundaries to discover potential beyond their imagination.
Shoutout to the amazing Amanda Schlegel for bringing our brand to life.

Thanks for stopping by to check out our new digs. Don’t forget to drop us a line in our guestbook while you’re here!

May 12, 2021