Light the fire & turn on the cozy vibes… It’s finally feeling like fall in AZ.
For a desert native like myself, I’m in complete awe of fall. To me, it’s magic. The colors, the community; the complete and utter shift of clothing; the attitude and anticipation of what’s to come.
It’s something we don’t really experience in Arizona fully, and I’ve come to realize it’s a non-negotiable for my soul. To me, the midwest and east coast got this right. There’s a warm, wholesome goodness to the midwest that I have always personally loved, and absolutely miss. I especially love the focus on ‘home’ that naturally happens in the fall. The feeling of gratitude that everyone seems to share as the leaves begin to fall, and gatherings take center stage.

We took a spin through the midwest last week and soaked up all of the goodness we could. This month, we will be sharing what inspired us; what fed our creativity. We left feeling grateful for the opportunity to see friends, explore, and after a year away; just breathe in the change of season in anticipation of new beginnings. While the rest of the country slips into winter… We in AZ, are just getting started. We hope you enjoy this edit as much as we do.
The Ultimate Moody Paint Guide: Inspired by our Fall Adventures
All of our travel photography and each of our experiences is feeding creativity into future projects. We were already cooking up a moody paint roundup, and as I ventured through the midwest last week, the paint guide took on a whole new direction.
Changing leaves, auburn trees, historic brick buildings and (too many) espresso martinis… All of these magical moments reminded us of what we already knew: That design inspiration is happening all the time, all around us. You just have to be watching 😉

Tucked away in Stoffer Home is the most charming coffee shop called The Bradbury… Their walls are painted a rich green hue that compliments the dark antique wood cash-wrap; the cozy cool feel makes you want to grab a hot cup of coffee and stay awhile.
Benjamin Moore’s Waller Green, Morning Coffee, Night Horizon

Chicago is a city that will always remain close to my heart… I mean, just look at that breaktaking view.
Wenge, Barista, New London Burgundy

There really is something magical about being able to look outside your window and know it’s autumn. To see the leaves change color and go through stages of sage green, burnt orange, golden amber and finally- hazel brown- is remarkable and something we surely don’t fully experience here in sunny Arizona.
Ferret Brown, Gloucester Sage, Terra Mauve

The Fall Foliage in Northern Michigan is inspiring in itself…
Abbey Brown, Cimarron, Baby Seal Black

October 31, 2021